All about the future
ESE Agency puts Denner employees in the spotlight

When the branch manager becomes a poster boy – employees are the heart and face of the campaign.
All about the future, the Denner campaign which shows the retailer's commitment in an honest, authentic, and transparent manner, goes into the second round. One year after the first joint campaign, we dissect the term "sustainability". This time with a focus on people. Authenticity is key: No agency models or stock smiles. Thus, branch manager Jeton and product manager Sofja with her baby become national campaign faces. According to the motto: Employees are the heart and face of Denner and an important part of the sustainability strategy.

Sustainability is variety.
Sustainability is freedom.
Sustainability is promotion.
Sustainability is cohesion.
That Denner is also aware of its responsibility towards future generations becomes a cornerstone of communication. The training and development commitments are present both on the posters and on the sustainability platform allesaufzukunft.ch. The apprentices Fernanda, Giorgio, and David from the junior branch are authentic testimonials.

Denner has been actively promoting employee well-being for years. The new campaign creates visibility for this commitment for the first time. The sustainability platform allesaufzukunft.ch breaks it down: From maternity leave to holidays to training and development opportunities. Transparency and responsibility remain in the foreground.This campaign is not a pat on the back, because the goals are still high. Engaged in sustainability for years. But that's not enough!