A TV displaying a man


Concept – Key-Visual – Storytelling – Employer Branding – Content-Creation –

Concept – Key-Visual – Storytelling – Employer Branding – Content-Creation –
Concept – Key-Visual – Storytelling – Employer Branding – Content-Creation –

Why us

Storytelling sells! And because every compelling brand has an exciting story, we co-create history. We understand brands – including their values, USPs, and products – and distill these into engaging messages. Our creativity knows no bounds. Bold, relevant to target groups, cross-media.

What we offer

Communication Strategies

Communication needs a concept. We create these in XXL format on a brand level or based on projects. Our philosophy: '360° evaluation.' Who is being addressed? What needs do recipients have? With which channels can we reach them efficiently – and how can we penetrate through to them? Once we have clarified all important questions, the terrain is prepared – and free for our ideas. The communication measures pull together, coordinated along the same narrative strand. Driven by a deep understanding of the target group, market, and the media world. On- and offline. Creativity x Knowledge.

Design Concepts

In our design concepts, ideas come to life. With expressive designs – versatilely adaptable. Thus, we design everything from flyers to display ads to out-of-home posters. Digital and analog.


A single thought changes everything. Through insights and communicative brackets, we cast brands in a different (spot-)light. We are convinced that in a time of information overload, a vivid story makes the difference.

Employer Branding

Tell us: Why should we work specifically with you? What makes you unique? If you have an answer, then we differentiate you – also in communication. We offer comprehensive strategies with clear call-to-action funnels to activate potential employees, sharpen your employer value proposition, shape your identity – and create a targeted brand experience. Authentic and anti-cringe. In the 'War for Talents,' our approach is: Find high-performers, bind high-performers.

Creative Content Development

No 'quick-quick videos' – our creations are embedded in a campaign concept. We prove: Communication goals, entertainment, brand values, and call-to-action also fit in 15 seconds.
This is ESE

Boldness is rewarded. We create insights and narrative threads you've never experienced before. Promise.

Our campaigning is found cross-media

Migros Play & Win
Migros Playmobil Mania
Babyrace by Denner
Migros M-Escape
House of Beer
Bundesamt für Sport BASPO
Kino Cameo
Arno del Curto
Futuro Workshops
Boa Lingua
Denner & 20min
Racing Unleashed
LYRICS Festival