Futuro Workshops
The Most Modern Workshop Platform in Switzerland

Fresh wind in the classroom: The start-up 'Futuro Workshops' actively shapes the Swiss educational landscape. We set up the start-up concept and business model, defined the corporate identity, created the corporate design, and ultimately realized the most modern workshop platform in Switzerland.

passionate. interactive. diverse.
Futuro Workshops is something new in the Swiss education system. The aim of Futuro Workshops is to inspire children and young people. The brand's appearance - from its language to its visual appearance - reflects this desire for change.

Connecting teachers and workshop instructors with the interactive online platform is simple - but exciting. The offer now covers more than a diversity of topics and over 50 ambitious people who enrich the everyday school life with their knowledge.
Our PR work is having an impact: Futuro has won a number of media partnerships. For example, a journalist from "20 Minuten" accompanied various workshops live on camera and put himself into the role of a child or young person.

Futuro is a (Di)Vision of the ESE Agency
Individual learning support and inspiring content. The founders were unfamiliar with this from their everyday school life. That's why our ESE managing directors Elia, Emanuel and Severin set out to give Swiss learning institutions a modern update. Today, inspiration is thriving in Swiss schools thanks to Futuro Workshops.
A lot has grown out of the vision of a modern and interactive school day: a popular platform that offers over 15 workshops, employs more than 50 instructors - and has already inspired thousands of children and young people.

We want to encourage, inspire and highlight variety. The workshop selection is therefore diverse: dancing, social media, anti-racism, rap courses, video, theater, fitness, parkour... and the list goes on.