Migros SpinMania
Migros Makes Kids Happy - Turning Them into Comedians and Presenters

Migros launches a collectible promotion around the fabulous spinners with SpinMania – and we support them with concepts and implementations for social media campaigning. The motto: Content from little ones for the big ones.
Authentic reactions to the game and collecting fun make the content pieces original, unique, and provide a point of identification for parents. Migros surprised kids on the street with the lively spinners, sparking enthusiasm with the promotion. The result: Priceless reactions with a "cuteness overload" effect.
Advertising with kids in the past: staged TV commercials. Advertising with kids today: Real testimonials. Uncontrived, credible, approachable.
In the content containers, children become the social media face themselves. Child actors stage the content like the biggest internet comedians and influencers. The videos capture the online zeitgeist – with their own twist. Winkingly prepared for young and young-at-heart parents.