Racing Unleashed
Sustainable Community Experience for Racing Enthusiasts

Suddenly, you find yourself in the middle of a Formula 1 track: Racing Unleashed makes motorsport accessible to fans with simulators - and even has its own eSports league. Future-oriented visions match our own ideology. We support RU in strategy, design, and content creation.
We are overcoming the corona setback. The 'Reopening Campaign' includes a plan of action that focuses on content for the cross-media community.
Content shapes character
We show what's behind Racing Unleashed. In an interview, we introduce the face of the company: Ex-Sauber CEO Monisha Kaltenborn is the characteristic leader. The Hero Story of an eSports racing driver in the Unleashed Lounge is narrated. Instagram formats boost interactions.
The strategies are aimed for entertaining visual content.

The heart of Racing Unleashed is located in the municipality of Zug, Cham. Surrounded by various luxury car manufacturers, such as Ferrari, the racing feeling can be found practically in the neighborhood. By designing the poster campaign, we drew the attention of the residents of Cham to the golden gem in their midst.