Denner recruitment marketing

Fighting the workforce shortage with a comic book

Denner recruitment marketing

An ominous phenomenon is spreading in Switzerland: workers are disappearing everywhere. Denner decides to become innovative in the fight against this. In our agency, Denner has found a partner for personnel marketing who will provide strategic, conceptual and creative support.


Internal communication for a progressive employer

Hero story for employees

Trilingual communication campaign


Employer Branding

Campaign narrative


Slogan concept

Internal communication

Advertising material

Branch managers become super heroes in their own bomic book

In times of labor shortages, employee loyalty becomes a ray of hope. We have created an entire heroic story in a bold and refreshing way.

Making employees feel valued is a management task — and this awareness is strengthened with our playful measure: all branch managers receive a personalized comic booklet in which they learn how the phenomenon of staff shortages can be combated. The cover is prominently featuring the name of the hero - “Susana & Denner: The Denner Heroes fight the staff shortage”, but Elmira and Silvio and Driton and about 630 other store managers also receive their own edition.

Between empowerment and appreciation

The story about the Denner heroes is a balancing act between employee giftand practical tips. One half of the brochure tells a lovingly illustrated story, while the second half is a “kiosk magazine” style brochure with specific instructions for action: Exciting storytelling and information sharing combined on 40 pages.

Activate the network in a very simple way: The Buddy Bonus

Denner relies on its employees' network. With the Buddy Bonus, we have worked with Denner to design an easy-to-understand communication system based on a referral system: If someone is hired based on your recommendation, you get cash. From the narrative concept to the visual implementation, the focus is strictly on activating headlines and simple messages – without sacrificing a wink.

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Denner recruitment marketing