Infometis AG
Webflow Masterpiece for IT Experts

We developed a smart website structure for a complex business case that allows lightning-fast access to all important information in just a few clicks. Thanks to user-friendly design and intuitive navigation, everything is now organized. Because beauty is in the eye of the beholder, we spiced up the website with a sleek dark mode function. One click – and Infometis becomes Infometis-Gotham.

The IT consulting collective Infometis brought us on board because they wanted to streamline their website. The common goal was quickly defined: order and structure should meet high-quality design and targeted UX funnels. This requires a website with a crystal-clear overview of the offerings, but also meaningful links between tools, consulting and training. Not an easy challenge, as the company boasts over 40 experts, around 20 tools and over 50 training courses and consultations in a multi-layered offering.

The website's clever page structure navigates visitors through Infometis' varied range of services. It is easy to navigate from the clearly laid out training pages to the information on high-quality tools and individual consulting services.
The intuitive and smooth navigation links the different levels of the Infometis galaxy and enables visitors to discover the many aspects of the company in an effective way.